Entries by soonytech

Expense Management

To add a refund for an expense, add a new Expense with the “Is Refund” checkbox checked in the add/edit expense. You have to enter the refund amount and the refund payment details.

The refunded amount will be added to the Net-Profit.

Cash Denomination

Cash denominations are usually different cash tender used in your country.  With this feature, cashiers can easily calculate the total amount they have when closing the register by mentioning the number of different tended they have.

Types of Service

Types of service is mostly used in restaurants, it is for example Dine-in, Parcel, Courier, 3rd Party Delivery etc.
Based on type of service you can change the price of the product by linking types of services to selling price group.
You can add packing charges (fixed or percentage)
Also, you can add more information like in custom fields.