Discounts by Brand, Category, Location

Name: Enter a meaning full name for the discount.
Brand: Select the product brand where it will be applied.
Category: Select the produce Category where it will be applied.
Location: Select the location

Configuring keyboard shortcuts for POS screen

SoonyEPOS Cloud Solutions supports keyboard shortcuts, by default we have configured shortcuts for different actions in POS screen.

Invoice External URL

With invoice external URL you can share the invoice to a customer via a link.

Gift receipt

A gift receipt shows proof of purchase but leaves out the amount spent. To print a gift receipt follow the below steps:

Displaying QR code in invoice

Edit an invoice layout
Scroll down to the QR code section at the bottom
Click Show QR Code

Invoice Layout

Invoice Layout helps you to create different invoice formats.

To add a new invoice layout:

SoonyEPOS Cash Register

Cash Register gives you an overview of a particular user/cashier session

Sales Subscriptions

Enabling Subscriptions:

To enable subscription, go to Modules -> Check the “Enable Subscriptions” and save it.

Sales Return

There are 2 ways of adding sales return